Leading While White
Leaders around the country have been asking for a space where they can come together to collaborate on their antiracist leadership practices. So, utilizing a coaching model, we will be offering a five session series focused on white leaders.
We will create a cohort to address systemic issues and questions such as:
How can we best support and supervise directors of diversity or other leadership positions across race? How do we model cross-racial solidarity?
How can we cultivate board members who will support equity initiatives and policies?
What are strategies for engaging parent associations and other school committees to support DEI efforts?
How do we best navigate resistance to racial equity?
How do we make sure we don’t become complacent in our own growth and development?
Providing frameworks and resources as needed, each session will create space for reflection, critical feedback, and practice of our antiracist leadership skills.
Interested in this workshop?
Let us know and we will notify you when it is next offered.