Events & Conferences

Assessing for Equity Series

A five-session virtual series with the intent to shift cultures of assessment in service of more equitable outcomes for students.


  • Receive a strong foundation for the theoretical underpinnings of assessing for equity

  • Dig into common assessment practices and complete equity checks: exploding mythologies, rethinking approaches

  • Receive tools and practices for classroom and self assessment 

  • Examining equitable assessment practices through social, emotional, and academic lenses; investigate bias and mood and their impact on student assessment

  • Transfer learning to create new, more equitable practices; activate leadership and shift perspectives within teams and school sites


Leading While White Workshop

Antiracist Strategies for Leaders

Leaders around the country have been asking for a space where they can come together to collaborate on their antiracist leadership practices. So, utilizing a coaching model, we will offer a five-session workshop via Zoom focused on key topic like cross-racial solidarity, equity initiatives and policies, engaging support for DEI efforts, navigating resistance to racial equity, and more.

The N!Word in Classrooms, Campuses, and Communities

Is the N!Word Ever Acceptable?

This word is in every school in the country, yet very few educators know how to handle it. Who is allowed to say the N!Word, and what do we do/say in response to the N!Word in our schools, resident halls, media, music, and literature? In this two-day workshop, participants are asked to examine their personal and professional histories with the N!Word, and grapple with how we address it in schools and classrooms.


Diversity Hiring Fair

Supporting Employee Diversity in the Independent School Sector

The Potomac School, East Ed, and the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington (AISGW) are proud to host the 12th annual Diversity Hiring Fair to support employee diversity in the independent school sector. 


Learning and Teaching While White Workshop

Antiracist Strategies for School Communities

WE’RE BACK IN PERSON! Designed and facilitated as an antiracist white affinity space for teachers and school leaders, this all-day workshop will highlight key concepts, skills, and exercises from our new book of the same title. We’ll explore how white racial identity impacts our work with students, families, and colleagues and the role of white antiracist affinity spaces in promoting antiracism. We will look at institutional resistance to challenging racism and strategies for effective engagement. In addition to important curricular considerations, we will review pedagogical approaches for promoting racial equity, including our study on how race impacts teacher feedback and what we can do to ensure success for all of our students. 


Truss Leadership Conference

Dismantling White Supremacy Culture in Schools.

Attend this year’s Truss Leadership Conference to get clarity on how to approach assessing, creating, and implementing curriculum that truly supports our students. You will see best practices from presenters, learn about resources, and have opportunities to improve your curriculum. Our own Elizabeth Denevi, PhD will be a workshop presenter.


Antiracist Leadership Summit

Leaders Who Co-Conspire Together, Transform Together

In this workshop, participants will work to unpack their racial identities, understand how their racial background impacts their leadership, and plan how to better maintain co-conspirator professional relationships. Leaders of color will register site/school teams (minimum 2 participants) and invite white colleagues to join them for the workshop.


Decolonizing Your Curriculum & Pedagogy

Key interventions for anti-oppressive education

Just as we have learned that diversity without inclusive engagement and equitable practice is not enough, we have come to know that a diversified curriculum that is not intentionally anti-oppressive will fall short of being truly inclusive and fostering a sense of belonging among students. In this two-part interactive workshop, attendees can engage with the presenters and with one another to learn what anti-oppressive review of curricula and pedagogy entails, and practice the important equity skill of giving and receiving feedback.


Teaching While White Virtual Workshop Series

Understanding Whiteness and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning

In many ways, the racial injustice being highlighted at this time in history is not new. What IS new is the way racial justice is now being covered by the mainstream media and discussed in every forum. Students are looking to their teachers to help navigate and make sense of what they are seeing. This workshop series is conducted as a white, antiracist affinity space so that we can develop a greater understanding of white racial identity and develop the skills and racial literacy to guide the next generation towards greater racial justice.


Responding to Anti-CRT Propaganda

Tools for Educators & Parents

This virtual workshop is designed for those who understand why we need to talk about race in schools, but often feel unsure of how to respond to community members who are questioning or resisting curriculum and programming designed to address racism on campus. Too often the burden of addressing this resistance falls on the shoulders of people of color. This space is designed specifically for white people to practice responding to the fear at the base of the anti-CRT propaganda. We will provide materials to help us diagnose what is actually going on and how we can best address resistance in productive ways that move us closer to racial justice.


Restorative Justice Series

In many ways, the racial injustice being highlighted at this time in history is not new. What IS new is the way racial justice is now being covered by the mainstream media and discussed in every forum. Students are looking to their teachers to help navigate and make sense of what they are seeing. This workshop series is conducted as a white, antiracist affinity space so that we can develop a greater understanding of white racial identity and develop the skills and racial literacy to guide the next generation towards greater racial justice.


Killing the Mockingbird?

Primary Sources, the Canon, the N-Word, White Teachers & Moore

How do you teach a text that has the n-word? What if you are white? Should white  teachers teach the n-word at all? Does it matter what year the document was written or what race the author is? Join us for this challenging and interactive exploration where we will look at the history and impact of the n-word. We will also consider how both teacher and student identity impact teaching, learning, curriculum, and parent involvement. Participants will take part in challenging discussions and active learning and leave better prepared to engage as an antiracist educator. This workshop is particularly geared towards white educators, but everyone is welcome.

Assessing for Equity 2.0

By invitation only. When we first launched Assessing for Equity in 2020, we had no idea how transformative this work would be for participants. We’ve had a lot of feedback from our five cohorts about how to enact the vision they created at the end of the first series. So, we are excited to announce a “part two” pilot series.

Antiracism for White Men Series

A five-part series to look at the intersection between race and gender for white men who want to improve their antiracist skills. Facilitated by a white male, this affinity group space will focus on how white men can work together to challenge racism. We will also consider how our masculinity intersects with our white identity. Participants should come ready to learn, grow, and support each other as we work to create a more racially just community.

Competition vs. Solidarity:
Exploring The Relationship Between Capitalism and White Supremacy Series

A six session series exploring the intersection of race and class in American society with the goal of understanding the intimate connection between economic and racial justice.